Indicators Metatrader 5Candlesticks

Value Chart Candlesticks

Value Chart Candlesticks

The idea of a Value Chart indicator was presented in the very good book I read back in 2020, “Dynamic Trading Indicators: Winning with Value Charts and Price Action Profile”, from the authors Mark Helweg and David Stendahl. The idea is simple and the result is pure genius: Present candlestick Price analysis in a detrended way!


  • Look for Overbought and Oversold levels. Of course, you will need to test the settings a lot to find the “correct” one for your approach. It all depends on the Symbol you are studying and the timeframe also.
  • Look for Divergencies, this indicator is powerful on this subject.
  • Explore!


  • Period of analysis
  • Light up candles that reach the maximum threshold?
  • Overbought and Oversold levels
  • Show dots on the chart when the overbought and oversold levels are reached.
  • Dot styles…


If you like this indicator, all I am asking is a little Review (not a Comment, but a REVIEW!)…

This will mean A LOT to me… And this way I can continue to give away Cool Stuff for Free…

With No Strings Attached!  Ever!

Live Long and Prosper!


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2 Comentários

  1. Ola, esse indicador Value Chart Candlestick é muito bom. Será que no ProfitChart da Nelogica ficaria igual?
    Tem como fazer um teste? desde ja agradeço sua atenção Flavio.

    Muito obrigado pelos indicadores do MT5 que disponibiliza.

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