Indicators Metatrader 5Utilities

Mini Chart Indicators

Mini Chart Indicators

The Metatrader 5 has a hidden jewel called Chart Object, mostly unknown to the common users and hidden in a sub-menu within the platform. Called Mini Chart, this object is a miniature instance of a big/normal chart that could be added/attached to any normal chart, this way the Mini Chart will be bound to the main Chart in a very minimalist way saving a precious amount of real state on your screen. If you don’t know the Mini Chart, give it a try – see the video and screenshots below.

This is a great idea for those using Strategy Analysis called “Triple Screen”, but the native MT5 implementation of the Mini Chart is just basic, and only allows you to add Indicators or different Templates over them using a script or programming an indicator.

Well, not anymore. We present the Mini Chart Indicators, a tool that you can drag and drop on your main chart and configure/add your own Indicators and Templates over any Mini Chart you have.

There are dozens of applications where you can apply Mini Charts. And with the boost of Mini Chart Indicators you will have the freedom to do whatever you want with your Charts in a smart way. Test it for yourself! You will fall in love as I did.



  • The Name of the Mini Chart to apply the Template and/or Indicators.
  • Your template name – It could be any template previously saved by you in the platform.
  • Up to 5 indicators – each with up to 5 configurable parameters. If you need more, just ping us, we started with this amount of indicators and parameters thinking that it would be enough for most of the cases. Parameters passed could be INTEGER, DOUBLE, or STRING.
  • Ability to show Log messages on the EXPERTS tab to debug any problem you could encounter.


  1. Due to the nature of the Mini Chart, not all Indicators and Templates will work. Please test your desires and intentions on the DEMO version, available here:
    MiniChart Indicators DEMO. (* Due to the new MQL5 policy developers cannot provide DEMO versions to the general public here in this website anymore.)
  2. Sometimes an Indicator added to a Template and then used in a Mini Chart will not work, but if the Indicator is added through the Mini Chart Indicators interface it may work. Just be sure then that the Template is saved without it. Test both possibilities.
  3. When saving templates to be used on Mini Charts remember to disable all the things you don’t want in it, as well as the desired Zoom level, so the template will have only the items/parameters you want in the Mini Chart. Watch the video for ideas…

Didn’t Find a Feature You Need?

No product is perfect for everyone. If you think you need a missing feature from our product just send us a message. We love feedback!

Why the Price of USD 30,00?

In the past Metaquotes Marketplace allowed a lower price for their products. As low as USD 10,00…

Now, the minimum Price of anything in the marketplace is USD 30,00. We at Minions Labs believe in very low prices but there is nothing we can do about it… So, the THING we can DO about it is giving this product for you FOREVER!  How? We will give you *1,000 ACTIVATIONS* if you purchase this product. This way, the product will be yours as a LIFETIME license!  Is that fair enough? We hope it is…


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